In 1946, a banker named Andy Dufresne is convicted of a double murder, even though he claims his innocence. He’s sentenced to two life sentences at the Shawshank State Prison in Maine, where another prisoner serving a life sentence, Ellis “Red” Redding, picks him as the new guy most likely to crack under the pressure. Andy quickly learns the ugly truths of prison life: a corrupt warden, sadistic guards led by Captain Byron Hadley and inmates who are willing to use rape or beatings to insure their dominance. But Andy stays tough, he has the hope of the innocent, which together with his smarts allow him to prevail behind bars. He uses his banking skills to win favour with the warden and the guards, doing the books for Norton’s illegal business schemes and keeping an eye on the investments of most of the prison staff. In exchange, he is able to improve the prison library and bring some dignity and respect back to many of the inmates, including Red.
The friendship between Red and Dufresne is honestly one of the best friendships I’ve seen in a movie. And the voice-over narration from Morgan Freeman throughout this whole movie is really well used. Who wouldn’t want to listen to Morgan Freeman for almost two and a half hours? All the characters are great in this movie. The brutal Captain Byron Hadley, of the most corupt characters ever put to screen, Warden Norton. As if the movie wasn’t amazing enough, the last 30 minutes of this movie is probably the most satisfying ending you’re ever going to get. As for issues with this movie… There are none… This is a perfect movie. If you haven’t watched this movie yet, I beg you to do so. I’m giving this 10/10*! It maybe the highest rated movie of all time, but, Forrest Gump remains to be my all time favorite
Director: Frank Darabont
Written by: Stephen King, Frank Darabont
Starring: Tim Robbins, Morgan Freeman, Bob Gunton, Clancy Brown
Runtime: 143 minutes