Fascinated by history, neglected by his parents, an eleven-year-old schoolboy named Kevin gets the chance to make his dream come true when a band of six time-travelling dwarfs appears out of thin air in his bedroom. Having stolen the Supreme Being’s one-of-a-kind map of time and space, the time-bandits take Kevin away on an exciting journey to the depths of history, skipping from one era to another while their arch-rival known as the Evil Genius is following close behind.
This yet another extremely unique movie that I recommend you check out. You don’t see many movies like this. And it has members of the Monty Python group involved in one way or another! See it as soon as you can! 8/10*
Director: Terry Gilliam
Written by: Michael Palin, Terry Gilliam
Starring: Sean Connery, Shelley Duvall, John Cleese, Katherine Helmond, Ian Holm, Michael Palin
Runtime: 116 minutes